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Like Father, Like Son!!

I am really astonished to see how my son has picked up things in life which closely resembles my childhood. Not one or two but so many things, which makes me believe that it is in his genes!!

These days, particularly, when the World Cup is on, I see my son waking up and asking for the paper the moment he gets up in the morning. I have to literally push him to have his morning tasks completed before he starts reading. It takes me back some 25 years ago when I used to wait for my turn to read the Hindu every morning. I was so crazy about Cricket then and I wanted to read the The Hindu for its cricket coverage and the odd photo or two. Those days The Hindu's cricket correspondent used to be R Mohan, whose flowery language and descriptions were read but never understood by me. But I continued to read that for many many years!! My father never parted with the sheets until he finished the whole paper. I used to crib and cry and wait for him to complete his reading. Just like that, my son does it these days.

Secondly, his interest towards the game has gone up substantially over the last 3 months or so. He regularly comes up and asks if he can go for Cricket coaching, which we sent him for 1 month before we stopped last April. He was very keen to continue even then but due to our pre-occupation and the distance to the coaching class, we took him off. I think we should put him back into that starting this summer. My pre-occupation can't be an excuse for not sending him for the coaching, which I dreamed so much about.


Lathavijayakumar said...

You are correct. Most of the sons are like their father.

My son too. But the worst scenario is his father always in anger mood and he tooooooooooooooooo.

Your Blog is nice.

Venkysdiary said...

@Lathavijayakumar: Thanks for visiting the blog and sharing your thoughts.

Anand said...

Karthik, We shld make sure the next generation gets exposure/oppurtunity to go through proper coaching which we never experienced dur our childhood days.

Venkysdiary said...

@ Anand: Absolutely!! Cant agree with you more. I really felt guilty last year when I couldn't support him by taking to the coaching classes.. Now I have put him on in a coaching group which is relatively closer home and I make sure that I take him every weekend.